Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is there any interest in Northeast PA for this?

I just got an email from Red 76 about their "Surplus Seminars" - which they describe as
a series of gatherings and activities which look into the analogous nature of surplus goods and the seemingly trivial ideas within and around us throughout the course of our lives. Rather than cast off our wayward thoughts, or ignore the endless data we encounter each day, how might we re-use, or recycle, this knowledge for our benefit, as well as the benefit of the whole?

It seems like Northeast PA is a great place to hold a surplus seminar. (What do you do with a surplus town!?)

Here's a video about the surplus seminars:

Red76 Surplus Seminar from Sam Gould on Vimeo.

(PS: And, not to jump the gun, but how can we have dialogues like this while networked with folks in Western PA, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee?)

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